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Eventful press conference

I’ll post the whole thing later, I promise, but Dana Holgorsen was on point today. I’m not sure he wanted to be there in the sense it’s the fourth day of camp and he’s talking to inquiring minds after just three practices, but I’m certain he meant to make the most of his time. Witness!

It begins with an honest assessment of his graduate assistant, Michael Burchett, who as we’ve covered is basically the quarterbacks coach.

Later, Dana was asked about Ron Crook, who the head coach likes a whole lot, almost as much as the offensive line coach likes one particular condiment.

Closer toward the end of 18-plus minutes was this conversation about Crook, which transitions into memories of a summer golf outing and then heads down another road. Pay attention to how Dana labors over it to get it right.

Then came the end, and not with a whimper. Watch him handle a question from Bob Hertzel.