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The history of Adam Pankey

Here’s Adam Pankey playing against Baylor last season. Not a surprise. Pankey actually played more snaps than anyone else on the roster last season. But then again, he’s actually playing against Baylor.

Oh, he’s played the Bears twice, including his collegiate debut on the road on that miserable night in Waco in 2013. Pankey, who missed the first five games recovering from a major injury sustained in the spring, shuffled onto the field late in the game and lasted but a few plays.

“My brother told me I was probably the first offensive lineman to ever get a targeting call made on him,’’ Pankey said. “So I guess that’s something to hang my hat on.’’

It came during the 2013 season, one that Pankey missed much of while recovering from surgery. When he did finally get to play, it was in a mop-up role in the absolute low point of that season for West Virginia, a brutal 73-42 loss at Baylor.

On one of his first snaps, Pankey pulled as a lead blocker. He delivered a crack-back block to a Baylor lineman and led with his helmet. By rule, it had all the ingredients of targeting, which was designed to protect offensive players from vicious hits by defenders. Both he and coach Dana Holgorsen later agreed that it was the right call to make.

It was just so unusual to see it happen to an offensive lineman.

“I can’t say that I’ve ever heard of it happening,’’ Pankey said. “But at least it means I was being physical.

“It taught me I have to be more under control and aware of how I’m hitting somebody. And I have to remember what I’m hitting with, too — my shoulders and not my head.’’