The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Dana Holgorsen: Delightfully demur

Perhaps it was the mood owed to the moment on the first day of camp. Maybe it was the new coping mechanism Dana Holgorsen will employs this season. We don’t know. What we do know is Holgorsen was the one who brought up special teams (woes) and punt return (problems). It wasn’t me! Or us! I even used (multiple) parenthesis here!

Nevertheless, Holgorsen’s opening press conference Monday set the tone or the table or whatever for what follows the next 12 days and then 12 (or 13!) games after that.

“You guys go ahead and write this because this is the greatest topic you like writing about,’’ Holgorsen said as his team was on the field going through pre-practice motions. “We caught punts for 25 minutes pre-practice. And we’re going to catch them for another 10 minutes here in about five minutes.’’

And then, without prompting, he combined the punt return issue with touchy subject 1A — creating turnovers. That was another bugaboo a year ago, what with WVU finishing among the worst teams in the country in doing that.

“That [catching more punts] is after the turnover circuit, which the defense is working on right now,’’ Holgorsen said. “We need to protect the ball, which offense is working on. We’ll be on that for about six minutes and then we’ll go to fielding punts for 10 minutes and working on Nick [O’Toole] punting the ball where he needs to punt the ball.’’

And then came the vintage Holgorsen sarcasm.

“That should fix all our problems,’’ he said, “and we should win a national championship based on fixing those things.’’