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Friday Feedback

Welcome to the Friday Feedback, which invites you to take the last slice of the Big 12 preview: West Virginia!

(If reading is your thing, there’s a pretty fun text preview to go along with the video.)

I don’t do the preseason polls in the Big 12 — or anywhere, for that matter — but I do play along in my head. We all do, right? True story: While I didn’t pick an entire all-Big 12 team — I can’t tell you who the five best offensive linemen are — I did believe Nick Kwiatkoski, Karl Joseph and Josh Lambert would make the media’s team. I drafted my own preseason poll and had WVU No. 6, but I had Kansas State at No. 5 and Texas at No. 7. The rest was the same, which says … something … about the Big 12. It’s four-tiered, I think, with TCU and Baylor up top, Oklahoma and Oklahoma State next, Texas, WVU, Kansas State and Texas Tech next and Iowa State and Kansas below. Truth be told, it might be five-tiered, because the Jayhawks figure to be really bad.

Here’s what’s either concerning or exciting about WVU’s schedule. After clearing non-conference play, possibly at 3-0 for the first time since 2012, the Mountaineers get Tier 2 and Tier 1 in order across 26 days. The rest is easier to navigate, meaning much of the season will be decided in November. That’s useful, because Tiers 1 and 2 don’t play one another before November. Funny how that works. But a Big 12 bonanza might set up others to fall and for WVU, or someone, to rise.

Thanks for your patience this summer, this week and this Big 12 preview … and now wait a little longer for the beginning of the Tier 4 WVU preview, which starts Monday evening from the Big 12 media days in Dallas and concludes Aug. 3 with an evening report after the first practice. Tell the world.

Onto the Feedback. As always comments appear as posted. In other words, keep your yard in order.

Sid Brockman said:

I love Chris Brown’s work. He has definitely made me a smarter (and thus, I think, better) fan. I’ll be sure to pick up his new book.

Do it. Right here. Here’s something you might not know about Chris. He’s been super helpful to me, and to us, through the years. If I need something explained or if he’s got an idea or even a question, there’s a fascinating exchange that follows. This is not to brag, but to say, “Hey, nine bucks is a nice ‘Thank you’ note.”

(Hey, sorry about the delay/confusion today. We were done at about noon and this was supposed to come out at 1 p.m. For some reason it didn’t, and a previous draft of just the WVU preview did in its place. I have no idea how that happened, but, ahem, I fixed it.)

Ron from Morgantown said:

Is there a definitive book on WVU sports history ?

As in all sports? No. The collective works of John Antonik might have you covered.

netbros said:

Chatter has it that a couple of the missing football recruits are showing up this weekend as well. Any news?

I’m told nobody will be enrolling Monday. WVU will welcome whomever else is eligible at the start of camp. Rasul Douglas is saying he’s in, though, which is good news. But he’ll have to wait.

Ccteam said:

I believe DTW will be the break out player of the year and will force his way into playing time even though Shell and Smallwood are as good as advertised they may experience a bit of Bruce-Ification this year.

High potential for a scenario like this, but I think Smallwood’s skillset might make room for DTW, too. I think he’s going to play slot a bunch and either catch balls or motion out of the backfield to catch balls a lot. He’s primed for a Charles Sims season, except that Smallwood is a better, faster receiver who’s  more familiar with the offense and the demands placed on him. Remember, his production thinned and the passing game dipped last season when he was asked to be the running back with Shell out. As for Shell, let’s see how he does. He has to be a more explosive player and do better than three 20-plus runs all season. I have to think if he’s chunking up yards and getting tackled and needing 27 carries to get 109 yards, he’ll start losing snaps. 

I love you, Doug! said: provides the “And also Avery Williams” nickname for Isaiah Bruce: “Once a starter Isaiah Bruce.”

Solid. I still think Bruce is nice to have around. Remember, when Tonkery missed a game last season, Bruce stepped in and played pretty well.

ffejbboc said:

David Sills has surpassed the Freshman 15. Young man will be impressive at that size with his wheels.

Also, Jefferson LOSING weight when he was already a rail. Riddick looked positively beefy last year by comparison.

What is it with our rush DEs being so thin? Will Clarke is just now filling out, and it took unlimited access to Skyline Chili to accomplish that.

Yeah, Mike Burchett spoke very highly of Sills when we talked earlier this summer. I can’t help but think he can play this year — I liked him in the brief windows I peeked through in the spring — but that he’d love to have a redshirt season. (Kid’s been through a lot already, so a year away would be refreshing). Here’s an interesting prospect for Holgorsen. Does Sills or Chugunov play or would he rather redshirt both? Really, do you sneak one in late against Liberty or Georgia Southern, if possible, for game experience in case you ever need one, or do you go for as long as you can without playing either of them? I don’t know.

Ron from Morgantown said:

I still wonder about the Rhoads comment that he noticed a “tell” in Pat Whites’ game while watching film as the DC for Pitt the year they beat us 13 – 9 . He said they knew ahead of time what direction Pat would run and that’s why we struggled to score . I’m skeptical . I still haven’t forgiven another guy from up their named PM .

I’m not sure Pat was tipping plays, but how many plays did that team ever really run? Five? When the ball was in play, the list was shortened. The defense missed two tackles all night, so it was more execution than anything else. That said, there was a tell, and I’ll tell you it’s legitimate. Go watch Pat’s highlights. There’s a go-to move. Now, knowing about it and stopping it are two very different things, but Pitt knew about it and stopped it. “Pat White had one move that he really loved when he carried the ball and that was a jab step outside before he’d cut it up inside,” Rhoads said. “We prepared for it hard and we prepared to take the ball out of his hands. Whether he was outside or not, he was going to be giving. He was not going to be keeping.”

I love you, Doug! said: 

10 wins?!

Hey, I think Kansas State will be pretty good — fifth in my fake poll! — but 10 is an ambitious claim. While we’re here, a quick note to the enjoyable Pete Fiutak doesn’t work for the Charleston Daily Mail. “For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction, and Pete Fiutak of the Charleston Daily Mail serves as the opposite to Bill Connely’s K-St(h)aterade yesterday. The guy has the cajones to go on the internet, sit in front of a camera, and tell the citizens of Earth that Kansas State will win ten (!) games next year… In football. Not basketball. Ignoring all the drugs this guy is probably smoking, I might be able to talk myself into believing this sentiment.”

Craig said:

Finally, someone agrees with me. 10 wins is very doable with this schedule and team. This 2015 KSU team reminds me so much of the 1997 squad – just deeper and a little more talented! Michael Bishop – late acquisition, JUCO, dual threat QB – all other D-1 schools recruited him for a DB, Snyder brought him in as a QB just like Jonathan Banks, and JB is bigger and a little better passer; 1997 had a solid defensive backfield, with serviceable running backs and wide receivers – no superstars just solid hardworking players. They went 11-1 in league and beat Syracuse(Donavon McNabb) in the Fiesta bowl….So yea, hang on to your hats CAT fans cause the Wizard is gonna do it ONE MORE TIME! Looks to be a 97 & 98 repeat but this time we do make it to the 2016 CFB Playoff ….EMAW!

… but PCI got us a new reader. Every action does have an opposite and equal reaction.

MontanaEer said:

Since joining the Big 12, we’ve beaten everyone except OU and KSU. Until the Sugar Bowl in 05, we used to lose to such schools in bowls every year this side of the Bluebonnet Bowl. Not sure we get OU in Norman, but I sense a win over KSU.

An unprecedented win in a rare December game! Why not? No one knows what happens by then, too. For all we know, Snyder has turned his offense into one with an exotic cadence and twitchy offensive linemen, and the Wildcats calmly step off offsides penalties from one end of the field to the other and kick emotionless field goals and make no errors on defense and win games 15-7 and 18-0.

Ron from Morgantown said:

One day soon we will wake up to the news that Snyder has retired ; and then Kansas State will be as bad as Kansas . This is another argument in favor of expansion .

Not impossible. Here’s a fun debate: In the highly visible leagues, name a school that will have a harder time replacing its coach. Given the variables, like location and recruiting radius, and the legacy of the coach, I can’t think of one. Seriously, give me one. Saban’s a genius, but it’s Alabama. Washington State is not prime real estate, but are we saying Mike Leach is difficult to replace? Vanderbilt got Derek Mason. Good luck. Oh, and speaking of …

Matt said:


It is definitely a possibility that KSU falls back to being as bad as Kansas. However, I’m wondering if part of the reason Coach Snyder came back was to rectify the situation and get a better succession plan in place. For some reason he feels somewhat responsible for Ron Prince and I think one of his major missions in the next year or two is finding his successor. Obviously that is a big question mark as any successor is, but betting against Coach Snyder isn’t usually a good plan. The guy is kind of like Yoda so I figure he learned from his first mistake by suggesting Prince and he won’t make the same mistakes again. Unless our AD Curry decides to pull rank on Coach Snyder, he will have his fingerprints all over the next hire.

10 wins this year is going to be awful tough though. IMO our record depends on 2 major weaknesses getting fixed rather quickly #1 is QB & #2 is MLB. EMAW

I completely believe this, which makes the question I asked so interesting. I mean, what if Snyder simply succumbs to age and slips and the program dip? Who’s the “Of course!” name attached to that school? What outsider wants to take on that challenge? It’s fascinating, isn’t it? Also, two new readers, thanks to PCI!

Ccteam said: 

I wouldn’t like having my salary out there for the world to see, but guess it is the price you pay as an employee of a public institution. Still have to wonder why it is our business.

I wouldn’t like MY salary out there. If I made $150 grr or something toward the top of the line here, I’d let you all know about it. I’d fly planes towing banners around the stadium. I know it’s a sensitive topic, though, but here’s the deal or the dilemma or whatever. The story is about giving raises on top of raises as part of contract functionality and the operations of a new athletic director. Dana and Shane work side-by-side on things like this. Dana was looking out for his guys. Lyons was open to the idea. (I don’t think Oliver Luck was as open to messing with contracts, but that’s just me and how I read things). We didn’t know a lot about those inner-workings before. So it’s much more about how those two work together, how Dana manages his staff, what Lyons feels about contracts and clauses, so on and so forth. I wish I could, but I can’t control the reactions that vilify Joe DeForest or criticize the university for giving raises to coaches who haven’t won a bowl game yet. 

Ron from Morgantown said:

And a contract extension for Dana ?


Sid Brockman said:

If you can get a talent like Rowan, you take him. I feel bad for kids that get bumped, but that’s life. I think it’s still somewhat of a pipe dream, though. Ville and St. John’s will be tough to beat.

The “icing on the cake” if WVU were able to land Rowan? He is a one-time Pitt commit.

But Huggins doesn’t boot guys like that. Not in July/August. There’s a play in motion, I’m sure, and it likely revolves around Myers and that online coursework. If he’s in, Rowan is now. If he’s out, WVU keps pushing for Rowan. (By the way, who would go? Not Dev, Dax, Jevon, Macon, Holton. Not Phillip (most improved this summer, probably). Not Paige (most athletic guard … or player). Not Adrian (dad is close to Huggins, and he just had surgery to get ready for the season). Not Watkins (his uncle is Warren Baker, who is also close to Huggins, and he, too, just had surgery). Not Ahmad, Bolden, West. Who? 

Wayward Eer said:

I thought I read something last week where Huggins said he did not think that Watkins would be back this year. Originally assumed it was because of the injury but could this potentially be the open scholarship?

Watkins had knee surgery. He might redshirt, but he’d still count toward the 13 scholarships. Now, if he’s unable to ever play again, he’d stay on scholarship and not count toward the 13 because he’d suffer a medical hardship. That’s not this, though I suppose if he wanted to come off scholarship and pay his own way, he could … but why on Earth would he do that? Now, why’d Watkins wait so long, you ask? Maybe he could have played — and perhaps he tried rehab — but with West and now Ahmad in the fold, there’s room for him to get that year he’d otherwise lose.

Down South said:

One of the most amazing things about the Final Four run was watching all the different players and positions Ebanks defended from game to game.

The guy never sweat, either. I miss watching him. Remember this?

Makes me long for the Garden and pine for the Jamie Dixon Panic Face. 

smeer said:

not sure why the soccer team can’t order a bunch extra and sell them at concessions and even online

small market sure, but there’s still a profit margin – and money could go back into the program

Nike holds the rights and the cost of licensing prohibits small sales? I mean the jerseys are getting made in small quantities anyway

this is a perfect place for Tier4 to step in and sell for the lesser sports

The short answer as to why: There are rules. I think there’s a place for it where there would be profit, but there’s a cost-benefit analysis, I’m sure, and the incentive to do it has to be more than simply, “Wait, the math says there is a benefit.” I actually think this is worth a larger story in the near future. (While we’re here: Imagine if last summer that judge ruled to allow athletes to market themselves. I’d call Ms. Buchanan silly for not taking advantage of this, because it’s such a unique opportunity.)

NotFooled said:

Been hoping to get replica for women’s jerseys for over 4 years for my daughter…guess the schedule posters will have to suffice.

BTW – sister in law went to Antigua – brought me back bottle of English Harbour….mmmmmmmmmm good rum!

Jealous. An empty bottle sits on the shelf in the Tier 4 studio.

Mack said:

I blame the Raese family.

Enjoy the weekend!