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Football updates

Dana Holgorsen and his assistant coaches and players were available for brief interviews today, and the head coach talked for about 10 minutes. There wasn’t much to say, except that things are going swimmingly and the coaches are about to take a few weeks off for vacation. He shored up some other details, as well. More players can arrive over the weekend an enroll Monday. There’s another enrollment date three weeks later. Players report Aug. 2 and practice starts a day later. Malik Greaves actually left the team because of persistent hip injuries and will receive a medical hardship waiver, meaning he’ll stay on scholarship and won’t count toward WVU’s limit of 85. Tyler Tezeno is off to Sam Houston State. Jaylon Myers is academically ineligible, meaning he’s done with the Mountaineers.

Sleepy days. No word on what’s happening with WVU’s quarterbacks, but I think I can give you a pretty good idea.