The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Clear Dec. 29 or Jan. 2 on your calendar

Eighty-two teams will play in a bowl game after this season. Eighty-two! That means … one sec … 41 bowl games populate our programming during the holiday season. That’s incredibly vast and possibly intimidating if you’re a fan of a particular team and want to make sure you’re not in a car or an airport or just in transit or a terrible environment when that team kicks off in its finale.

Fortunately for Big 12 teams, there are only the two dates to be concerned with, unless you’re in the playoff, in which case you’re cancelling whatever pre-existing plans were in place. The spouse should know this now, by the way.

Anyhow, the entire schedule is visually appalling.

My wife is scheming already and figuring out the day she’s dropping me off at the airport, the day of the game and the day she’s getting me at the airport all while mixing in a Merry Christmas and/or a Happy New Year. Care to tell her what day she should keep in mind as she plans?