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And the WR corps gets another boost

Ka’Raun White has been on campus for more than a week now, and the somewhat skinny receiver position will get some more help when the first wave of recruits arrive for the start of the next summer session June 8.

Durante is a prominent name in WVU’s recruiting class for myriad reasons — he’s coming through the pipeline, he’s quite good, he’s highly regarded, he might have flipped to Alabama for a minute — but none greater than his involvement in the very ugly, very public airing of grievances at Miramar High this past season. And let’s be careful with the word “involvement,” because he was dragged into the mess. Facts of the case aside, kid pass and fail all the time and don’t always make news like that, and that was always unfair to Durante.

Dana Holgorsen was adamant on signing day that WVU “wouldn’t take guys that we think would have an eligibility problem.” He further said “us studying each and every one of these guys academically we all feel like they are in a good spot to be eligible.” That followed similarly firm statements from WVU’s compliance department that defendered Damon Cogdell. So this would seem to stand in line, no?

Well, yes and no. Durante’s tweet is good news — he’s graduating, meaning he has (and had) the grades to walk across the stage, so it is fair to wonder how bad his grades were and how accurate accusations were — but it means absolutely zero about eligibility and any guarantees beyond him showing up in June. After all, this is not an edict from WVU, and kids have been and will be overexcited and innocently unaware about their statuses and their futures. Could the NCAA’s Eligibility Center page him one day? Sure, though some good signs have been planted before a red flag has been raised.