The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Shane Lyons checks in, says hello and not much more

Among the handful of things Shane Lyons has done in his first three months is join Twitter nine days ago and then coolly celebrate his job and the many good things happening at his alma mater. I’m interested in seeing where Lyons goes with Twitter because his predecessor was not into Twitter (Aside: When Luck talked to my sportswriting class in December, the students were startled by how anti-social media he was … at the end of a semester I spent touting social media.) and often accused of not connecting with his constituency.

Lyons, at least, has built a bridge and perhaps he’ll fortify it with breaking news, Q&As, interactions, videos of him dunking with two hands and the like. For now, he’s crawling, and for all we know, it’ll be a way for the athletic department to tweet news and retweet favorable reviews. Let’s hope for the former and not the latter.

Today, we saw this:

That got my attention, and Lyons followed through with an honor roll of events since he signed in what might be a regularly occurring update from the man in charge.

The momentum we have right now is extremely encouraging, and I look forward to even greater things down the road as we continue to build a strong intercollegiate athletic department that our fans expect and deserve.

I will check back with you in May.