The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom


Here are a few truths, as I consider them, around these parts.

1) I go long stretches without vacations.
2) I cram multiple getaways into a short time.
3) I hem and haw — “Is that right? Both, huh?” — about leaving this space dormant for however many days it is I’m gone.

You have a No. 4, I’m sure, but I’m not going there. I know it’s real, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it — because I don’t, for many reasons, none larger than that whole “it’s real” part. But I’ll be on the back deck for a few days and you’ll be here whenever your mouse or minds wander. I’m grateful for that, so I want to keep it spinning while I’m gone.

I was reading the comments recently, and my train of thought connected with one from a while back: Many of you are pretty providential. There was a time, way back when, when I can remember Someone telling me “Your blog is so good!” and I said, “Yeah, and I don’t have a lot to do with that,” and the Person, without hesitation, replied, “Yeah, it is hilarious.”

I didn’t know how to take that, except to laugh.

But, like, ever since then, the conversation has shifted, and where “hilarious” once stood now stands adjectives like “civilized” and “entertaining” and “smart.” One time someone said “astute,” but that was at a bar, and I wasn’t comfortable accepting that word from that guy at that hour. But it happened.

Anyhow, I pocketed an idea last week that I really ought to save for three weeks from now when I’m gone for 10 days later. And here it is: Predictions.

Come up with your most certain, most compelling predictions about anything. I’m not sure we care much about a player’s stats or a team’s win-loss record as much as, say, who starts here and there or who’s hired and fired or what stories develop in sports on campus or in the Big 12 or even what headlines pop up in college sports. Example: I muttered that Freg Hoiberg might have coached his last game at Iowa State … and I might be right for a different reason now. I also spent time and space yesterday touting Ka’Raun White. It’s an open bag: Recruits, scheduling, reform, anything and everything.

The canvas is blank and it’s all yours. If you need me, I’ll be in the garage. See you Tuesday.