The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Devin Williams has only scored in double figures in four straight games four times in his career. He’s never done it in five straight, but he’s never played like he’s playing now, and whether he can make it five in a row with jumpers and putbacks will have a bit to do with tonight’s outcome.

The sophomore who started to surge last last season before running into the Texas brick wall is averaging 15.8 points per game since the loss at Kansas, he’s been extremely efficient, he’s made 31 of 35 foul shots and he’s still rebounding at a high rate.

The explanation? Not as bad as it sounds!

“I’ve been juicing,” Williams said. “I’ve been juicing for about a month, and it’s been working out for me.”

Forgive the 6-foot-9, 255-pounder with the size 19 feet and the comparably big goggles. He couldn’t see what he’d just stepped in. Williams had no idea what juicing could mean, a word sometimes used in reference to performance-enhancing drugs.

“Is that so?” Williams said. “I didn’t know that. I didn’t mean that, either. I’m talking about fruits and vegetables and things like that.”

Williams had a tough night when the Mountaineers lost at Kansas after taking an 18-point lead in the first half. He made 2 of 5 shots and 5 of 9 free throws, and one of those misses helped Kansas force overtime. Williams played with foul trouble, disagreed with some calls and fouled out in the middle of the extra period.

He felt the need to change, and for some reason he decided to try a juice diet.

“Nobody told me,” he said. “I’m self-driven.”

In the next game, he had 22 points and 13 rebounds for his first double-double in eight games as the Mountaineers ended the regular season with a win at home against Oklahoma State. He hasn’t slowed down since.