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Back when this idea was conceived and ground was first broken, this was supposed to be done during the season, right around the Kansas State home game and definitely in time for the bowl game and a little boost for the postseason. Spring football starts tomorrow at West Virginia, and late is better than never unless you’re talking about audits or chicken pox.

So kudos to the Mountaineers for getting another piece of the facilities puzzle in place. Between the enhanced offices and the spectacular weight room and this, WVU’s got a few of the corner pieces in place, and the school will start filling in the middle with that super bond and all the work included in those plans. No new turf this year, no new surface on the practice field and an indoor facility that’s still smaller-than-functional, but all in due time, no?

And since we’re reminiscing about back when this started, let’s flash back to the summer of 2013 and Dana Holgorsen’s excited and impromptu guided tour of his football facilities and the pointed remark that brought this to the forefront.

“Now this is by far — look, I do some of this on purpose, but this is by far the absolute worst team room in all of Division I,” he says.

It’s a strong statement, so strong one wonders if it’s actually happening on the record.

“It’s the absolute worst team room in all of college football,” he repeats.

Holgorsen scrambles to make a point.

“Sit right here,” he says, pointing to a random seat in the back row on the right side of the room. He takes a seat directly in front of the one he had just pointed to.

“Can you see?” he says.

You cannot see around Holgorsen, who isn’t a large person, and you cannot get a clear view of the projector screen at the front of the room on the right side. If there were more people in the room, the projector screen on the left side of the room would be hard to see, too.

“That in itself right there is ridiculous,” Holgorsen says. “Can you imagine Quinton Spain sitting in that chair? It’s unbelievable, but that’s why I’m out raising money to get a team room we can function with.”

Holgorsen said there are “huge” plans for a new team meeting room.

“I’ve got about half the money raised,” he says, adding that Matt Borman, the MAC’s executive director, has been his co-pilot for this mission.

The fundraising, Holgorsen says, consists mostly of just asking people for money.

“It’s the same thing we did for the weight room,” he says. “It was the worst weight room in all of Division I football. What do you do? You raise money to get it to where it’s functional. Are there bigger weight rooms? Yeah. Are there better or more functional weight rooms? I have a hard time saying there’s something that’s better or more functional.”

I know it’s a long read, but it’s worth the effort, just to make it to the very end, where he offers up even more on the team room, what it once was and what it would eventually become. Memphis!