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What, if anything, has changed for WVU?

The past three games have, if nothing else, opened a window that lets you see the 2014-15 WVU basketball team for what it truly is. The team is different with Gary Browne and Juwan Staten sidelined, but different is not the same as changed. You can see the differences and you can spot things that aren’t the same as they were not too long ago. But with the same eyes you can tell the Mountaineers are still themselves and really have not changed.

Still pressing on defense. Still iffy on stretches on offense, though shooting it better. Still rising and falling because of the turnovers they create and the margin by which they outrebound teams. Still determined, confident, unpredictable and dangerous.

Bob Huggins could have grabbed the reigns before, during or after the loss at Baylor and he could have steered this team in a new and different way. He did not, and his explanation for why is one of the very best lines of this season, a season that’s been and may still be in the hands of a different case that’s doing the same things.

“If I said we weren’t going to do this, they’d all be (complaining),” WVU coach Bob Huggins said. “They are 100 percent bought-in. I’d have more problems if I said, ‘Don’t do it,’ than if I said, ‘Do it.’ They really believe that’s been the thing that sets them apart from other people.”