The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Not addition by subtraction, not devastation, either

We glossed over this Tuesday night and in the days that followed, but Tom Bradley’s the new defensive coordinator at UCLA, as announced by a press release from the Bruins athletic department … and I still find it odd there isn’t one line in there about his work at WVU. Just weird, but, hey, no big deal, and Bradley bid farewell in his own way.

Exactly who and what we thought he was before and we saw him to be during his season with the Mountaineers. Yet there’s an apprehension here and there about how this affects, even hurts WVU and Dana Holgorsen, who, of course, has lost 12 assistant coaches in four offseasons (Ready? Jeff Casteel, David Lockwood, Bill Kirelawich, Steve Dunlap, Daron Roberts, Bill Bedenbaugh, Robert Gillespie, Jake Spavital, Erik Slaughter, Keith Patterson Shannon Dawson and Tom Bradley.)

And since this is sports, people are going to work with definites and care only for winners and losers. That’s fine. But I’m having a hard time thinking of any losers here.