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What a rush

For the second time in a week, Kansas not only lost a game, but did so on the road to trigger a court-storming.

“I wasn’t nervous for me,” Self said. “There were several students that hit our players. I’m not saying like with a fist, but when you storm the court, you run in, you bump everybody, stuff like that. This has got to stop. I think court-storming is fine, but certainly you can get security to the point where players’ safety is not involved like it is here the last several times.”

(Bill Self is the best, but I’m biased. He knew the game was not the story, and he couldn’t have been happy about what happened during or after the loss, but he didn’t overdo it. Principled. Tolerant. Measured. Read the rest of his quotes and just imagine how other coaches would have reacted.)

It was a pretty dicey situation — I wouldn’t say it was frightening, but I wouldn’t say it safe, either — and so you should prepare to have a lot of people tell you how you should feel about rushing the floor and how you should conduct yourself if you’re privileged enough to do it. You will need oven mitts to handle these takes.

There’s also a real possibility the Big 12 will make a move now — it was Kansas, after all — and it’s already reviewing the situation. The SEC will fine schools anywhere from $5,000 to $50,000 fans hitting the court, field, pitch, ice, whatever. Goose, gander sometimes.

Bigger story? WVU is one game behind Kansas in the conference standings and plays at Kansas a week from today — and don’t tell me the  Jayhawks don’t look ordinary lately. It would behoove the Mountaineers to win out, which means they can’t lose tonight, of course, but even if WVU is going to lose another one, it can’t happen at home, which means it can’t happen tonight.