The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

‘I sound like Coach Huggins. [Cripes.]’

The opening statement is so erroneous, because you definitely did want his statement following Wednesday night’s loss to Oklahoma State.

This has been a long and trying season for Mike Carey — “Honest to God, and I’m trying to be positive, this is probably the toughest season I’ve ever been through, personally and basketball-wise.” — and he and his players still have their heads above water, albeit barely, with three losses in four games and WVU scoring below 60 in each game.

You knew this would be a hard season with major roster turnover, but there have been discipline problems, shooting woes, players slow to learn the offense, never mind their roles and, most notably, preseason Big 12 player of the year Bria Holmes’ uneven offensive performance … and she’s still scoring 19 points per game.

It peaked Wednesday night, and Carey was frustrated, adamant, embarrassed, angry and somehow calm and cordial all at once as he walked the media through a memorable state of the program.

The Mountaineers (15-11, 5-9) are currently in ninth place in the conference, but can salvage things and zoom all third in their final four games — two at home, two on the road, two against teams they’ve beaten, two against teams they’ve lost to, the road games against the teams they’ve beaten, the home games against teams they’ve lost to.

Up first: Iowa State at noon Saturday. Whether WVU is wearing uniforms or T-shirts from Zides, we’ll have to wait and see.