The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom


The original plan for the afternoon was to talk about scheduling and late-season trending, trending, trending, but that’ll wait until the live post. And thank FOTB @smartfootball for that.

Take a guess what I’ve been doing this afternoon. This all-22 (you get a view of all 22 players on the field) is so enlightening. When we do the G&B, we’re at the mercy of television cameras and that angles they choose and take. It works … but all-22 works so, so, so much better. I’ve tried and tried and tried to get this for the G&B. I can’t say how, except that I haven’t offered money, and now I might rethink that. (Aside: I don’t have it as easy as Mr. Brown.)

Just for fun, here’s the G&B for Alabama and here’s the G&B for Maryland. I’ll mow through both of these. I’m pushing through Alabama now, but I want to take a closer look at Maryland, because that’s the game I threw shade at Maryland’s corners (or maybe that’s just the game White was too damn good), and now I want to see if I was onto something or not.