The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Come again?

Oh, hey, one more legislative item today, one I had only heard about and didn’t know was this far down the road … because I didn’t think freshman ineligibility could become a Thing.

Think again! Think again?

Several conference commissioners say it’s time to consider making freshmen — or at least some of them — ineligible, again, for the first time since the NCAA rule changed in 1972.

One-and-done players in men’s basketball are the main reason some commissioners want this discussion to occur, and it’s not clear whether freshman eligibility interest would decrease should NBA commissioner Adam Silver get his way by pushing the NBA’s age limit from 19 to 20 years old.

“I’ve had conversations with several commissioners about (freshman ineligibility),” Pac-12 commissioner Larry Scott said. “We are pushing, and I think you will see much more serious conversations about it in the coming months and year.”