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Marc Bulger completes another one

The 2003 Pro Bowl MVP, who’s been highly philanthropic through his foundation for many, many years now, is endowing a special scholarship.

Bulger, 37, has committed $50,000 to WVU and the Mountaineer Athletic Club. It will support a scholarship for a student-athlete who has a parent or a sibling on active duty in the military or working as a police officer or firefighter.

“This is what my foundation is based on,” he said. “Since we started it in 2007, we’ve rebuilt the USO in St. Louis. I’ve worked with quadruple amputees. I just went to London for the Invictus Games with the Marine Corps. This is pretty much what I do now.

“My grandfather was a police officer for the city of Pittsburgh for 32 years, and then in 2001, obviously 9/11 changed a lot of us. I’ve had the opportunity to meet a lot of people in the armed services and learn about what families sacrifice, what it’s like for the kids and the moms and dads, who can be away for eight or nine years at a time. It takes a toll and I wanted to dedicate something to them and to the people of West Virginia and to the university.”