The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

WVU v. Iowa State: Two ranked teams, to boot

“You don’t go to many places where you look in the morning paper and see the bum of the game and who you’re supposed to boo, but that gets them pretty fired it. It’s fun. That’s what college basketball is all about.”

— Fred Hoiberg
Iowa State head coach


You are looking live at the Iowa State edition of the Mountaineer Maniacs Musings. They’re back in town — the spring semester starts Monday — and a lot of them are supposed to be in attendance today.

Something else that’s somewhat new: There’s a D.J. in the corner spinning tunes before the game. I don’t remember him before tonight, and though he’s new this season, this is not his first game this season. I like it — and I’m #TeamPepBand.

We’re also working with wonky WiFi tonight. I make no promises. Let’s give it the old college try…