The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Wednesday Walkthrough: Texas

I’m fixing the previous post, though it’s sort of hysterical. The press conference was posted. It was. I used it so I could transcribe one part about Kevin White for a story I’m writing. I know it was there. Then it vanished (YouTube tells me the format didn’t convert, which is a new one, but there were a lot of new things Tuesday.) and … AND … was replaced by Red Panda.

But that’s totally fine. I think I might just randomly put that out there every so often now that she’s retired. Still, there’s no way I accidentally did that. The RP video is years old. I’d have to really try  to find it, copy the link and paste it where Holgorsen’s presser was posted. My best guess is someone at the home office saw the video of the presser was dead and had some fun with me.

Speaking of mistakes, I wrote about a few of the many from the TCU game.