The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Locker room slobberknocker

Please, like we wouldn’t dissect the football team’s impromptu wrestling matches?

Ring the bell…

1) God bless Houstin Syvertson for capturing all this.

2) Dustin Garrison, with cowboy boots, tattoos and the autumnal hair, is ready for Full Sail University.

3) But Al-Rasheed Benton (white pants) and Marvin Gross (gold pants) deserve credit for selling Garrison’s offense.

4) The pin is immediately followed by a raw (get it!) version of John Cena’s theme.

5) Andrew Buie (red shorts) runs to Garrison’s defense. A literal stable of running backs.

6) Crutch shots!

7) Telegraphed the elbow drop.

8) The second ankle lock! “What a maneuver!”

9) K.J. Dillon pulls off the oldest of the old school with an inverted atomic drop to finish this.

10) There’s more?

11) That’s Benton with the rolling senton. He’s 6-1, 225 pounds.

12) That’s still Benton rolling the alarmingly knee-braced Garrison over into a Walls of Jericho.

13) Another Buie run-in because I guess he just comes and goes as he pleases.

14) This is the best: Buie wants to Pedigree Marvin Gross on the plastic top of the garbage can.

15) Nope! This is the best: Buie’s flip into a laundry bin replaces 31-224-2 against Texas in 2012 as his career highlight.