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WVU v. Oklahoma: Who will answer the bell?

Greetings from above Mountaineer Field, where there is a good football game coming bad news preceding it. Cornerback Travis Bell is not playing today. All I’m told is that he’s won’t be in uniform, and though the reason is not yet disclosed and the length of his absence is unknown, it does further deplete West Virginia’s thinning depth there.

And it is here where we note that Dana Holgorsen went into great depth about his cornerback play at his press conference Tuesday and never named Bell, who didn’t play against Maryland.

Moving  on, Daryl Worley, we know, is suspended and Bell will be elsewhere today. Ishmael Banks will see his first action of the season today and Jaylon Myers figures to get his most sign.ificant burn, too. Terrell Chestnut has been on a roll, but he’s never been in a role like he is now. Dana Holgorsen’s comments about depth are going to have to ring true again today.

Let’s go deep…