The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Dana Holgorsen speaks at 1 p.m.

Don’t watch it live. I’ll post the video here later.

Anyhow, I wrote about the head coach’s perceived growth and development for today’s newspaper.

“I think the way he sees the overall picture now is different,” Dawson said. “When a guy is an offensive guy his whole life — like he was and like I’ve been — typically your focus is on that side of the ball when you become the head coach. He looks at all three sides of the ball, and that probably makes his view of the offense a little bit different than what it was in the past.

“In the past, he was probably just worried about scoring points and playing as fast as he possibly could and he never took into account how that affected the other two phases of the game.”

I could have done more, and you know me: When I go deep, I go really deep. Yet for some reason, I didn’t get into the thing that intrigues and impresses me most.

No secret, but I’ve grown to enjoy the press conferences and the five from preseason camp were quite entertaining and enlightening. He’s always been honest and elaborate in those settings, though sometimes to a detriment, or at least a supposed detriment, but those five were especially good. That’s part of the job and one of the things you have to be good at and get better at. His jabs and jokes are part of his personality, but also part of the performance. Honestly, the two fit.

As a guy who’s missed two pressers since the first one Dec. 22, 2010 — — Tuesdays of separate game weeks the past two seasons because I’ve been at Big 12 basketball media day — I have to think he’s improved quite a bit.

Example: Standpoint.

He says it a lot, right? You make light of it a lot, right? Well, I went through my notes and the videos from the five press conferences and his Big 12 media days session and I checked the transcripts. He said “standpoint” one time. One!

Aug. 7: “The challenges of the Big 12 from a geography standpoint has (sic) been very well documented.”

That was part of his reply to a question about non-conference scheduling and the things he wants to do in that realm. I don’t think he likes talking much about that because he could probably talk about it for a long, long time. Ultimately, he knows he only has so much control over it and can’t really do what he wants to do, or at least do it as easily as he’d like, so he’s wasting words and energy and time. I feel like it deserves an asterisk.

Overall, though, the change is happening right before your ears!