The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Texts from Mock Alabama Game Day

Well that was something, wasn’t it?

I have a feeling we’ll be saying that one way or another this time next week. And that will mean we’re underway with the regularly rotating blog features for the 2014 season. Technically, yes, we’ll get into the groove later this week, but the full cycle starts Monday. If you’re new here, or if you caught on during, say, basketball season and haven’t experienced a football season, allow me to explain.

The blog transforms from one thing into another for the football season. I’m not posting stories — unless they demand it — and we’re not getting deep into things we might give some depth to at other times. Honestly, it’s not for everyone. It’s nuanced. It takes some getting used to. It’s sort of like Space Mountain.

Yeah, I know there are a lot of sports out there, but if we’re being honest with one another, we’re here for one in the fall. That doesn’t mean I won’t turn the spotlight to volleyball or men’s soccer or that I won’t glow about Kadeisha Buchanan. That’ll happen, but not often and certainly not regularly.

We turn into a football blog during football season with occasional interruptions for the worthy diversions. Mostly, though, it’s going to look like this:

Monday: Texts From Game Day
Tuesday: The Good and the Bad
Wednesday: Weekly Walkthrough
Thursday: You’ll Never Talk Alone
Friday: Friday Feedback

Now, some extrapolation. I’m not sure next week will follow that format. Labor Day is notoriously slow on the blog, and I have a prior commitment I have to honor that day, as well. G&B takes time I probably won’t have Monday, so I might push TFGD to Tuesday and G&B to Wednesday and keep the walkthrough, the chat and the F Double in their spots.

Oh, and the F Double reminder: Since it takes all Friday to travel to a road game, I can only do those on Fridays of a home game or an open week, though sometimes that can change and you’ll be splendidly surprised.

So that’s that. And this … this Mock TFGD was great. Thanks for the idea and for the contributions. I can do all that stuff I mentioned above, but nothing that happens here is worth it without you all and the  wonders you’ll witness below.

Been having dreams that I’m a gangster, drinking Moet, holding texts. Making sure the cash came correct, then I stepped. My edits are in [brackets]. Except for one. 

9:14 am:
Tide Nation doesn’t seem all that up for the game. Here I am at the Georgia Dome almost 6 hours before game time, and there are only a couple of tailgate

s going. Come to think of it, there aren’t many WVU fans here either. Why are the security guys eyeballing me?

12:17 pm:
Wait, was it a noon mock kickoff?  What mock channel is it on?  #mtfgd

Having a garage sale in honor of TFGD. First customer: a meth head with no teeth named Peanut.

Just checked the statue of the Mountaineer outside the Mountainlair.  Glad to report that no one has dumped industrial-grade weedkiller on it yet.

Bunch of frat guys just ran past me carrying a big banner with red letters screaming, “STOP, FORREST!!” Sorry, but a football game is no place to orchest

rate a mountaintop removal protest.

Getting ready for the game by thinking about buying tickets to the game? Which avenue do you recommend? The WVU ticket office is offering tickets at $125

with no description of the seats’ location. Or I could have midfield, upper deck, 4th row for $100. #MTFGD

Reverse psychology.  This year, I’m gonna pre-bracket all my [forgiving] comments in the hope that Mike will slip in the [sauce] during the editing p

rocess and substitute the profanity instead, so we can all laugh our [monkey foraging] [rears] off on Monday.

One hour until #MTFGD.  CEJ is queued up and ready to go

Angry Tide ticket holders confronting depressed Georgia fans who still haven’t left their seats after 2006 Sugar Bowl.  Ugly SEC situation developing here.

I am so mock pumped for this mock team to mock take the mock field.

Oh for [funk’s] sake why is the Georgia Dome playing CEJ???

You call it a mock opener. I call it a fAtal finale. We’re both right.

Would the WVU fan who brought the cellphone signal damper with them from MPS please attend to your vehicle?  Your gun rack alarm is going off.

Over under on Dana headset tosses is now at 2. I had the over 15 mins in.

The new wraps look spectacular on the battleship walls.

The first down in front from the old geyser behind me. The first of many.

What is the Mountaineer carrying with him?  That’s not his musket.  Is that an elephant gun??

These announcers stink.  If I have to hear them mispronounce Nwachukwu’s name just one more time, I’m reaching for the radio broadcast.  Guys, for the la

st time, it’s NO-ble, not No-BELL.


Trickett’s on the ground. Here comes Millard. [Good dairy.]

Millard fumbles!

You just knew Jordan Thompson was gonna be the best mock game day player of all time.

Smallwood isn’t intimidating the Tide either.

Is it me or are these mock announcers awful?  WVU’s QB is not Cole Trickle!


Is Riddick overhyped? Haven’t seen him get pressure on the qb once today

Classy move by the Pride at the halftime show, spelling out “ATL.”

And they’re playing “So Into You,” by the Atlanta Rhythm Section!

Wow, what about Dana burning that TO as Bama was lining up the 59-yard FG?

They’re burning Crest’s redshirt!  He’s going into the endzone to field the FG attempt!

CREST!!!!! Lightning CAN strike twice!  We’re in this thing, baby!!

CEJ!!  Somebody didn’t get the memo.

Mock 1-0!

Mock fires on University Ave. You did this Casazza! You did this!

If I’m half this drunk next Saturday it’ll be a great day