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Thank goodness, today’s presser wasn’t terrible

That was just the beginning.

He followed with a sharp jab at the reporter who I guess is going to carry the blame for tweeting the line about the lies and then having the Internet run with it so it eventually became a Thing. I’m not going to share that moment here. I know why it happened, and that’s fine, but I’m Team Beat Writers and I’m not going to delight in that moment.

Anyhow, as I voiced yesterday, my concern was that Dana would button down and, whether out of a sense of consciousness or revenge, make this last presser, to say nothing of the regular season pressers, pressers far less enjoyable than they were or can be.

That worry was quickly erased.

This was business as usual, where business is going through press conferences and trying to make a part of the job that’s sometimes difficult to endure something he can tolerate and even invigorate.

Example: Dana doesn’t really discuss injuries, but he revealed one because it’s an anecdote, which reporters like, that had to deal with how much he likes his specialists.

Lie. Meathead. Goofball. I feel good that he’s using strong words that look good in print, that’s he doesn’t have PC tattooed to his cerebral cortex, but also that he’s not censoring himself. Not even in this bit about what’s coming up and, in particular, the most nerve-wracking weekend of the season.