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This is really good, so do Marlon LeBlanc a favor and give it time and thought. You don’t have to agree … but leave your mind open to at least think it through.

WVU’s men’s soccer coach poured his thoughts, emotions and research onto the monitor as he tried to answer some significant questions about his sport. There are several and each is explained with thought and detail, but they all go back to a central issue: Is this the next big sport in the United States?

It’s hard to argue that it’s not, but there’s always going to be a case against it, even in the presence of the things LeBlanc presents — and he makes a strong case to simply prove that, yes, it’s our next big sport.

Again, we’re not all going to agree. I know that, but maybe that’s not why we’re here. What’s really — and I mean, really — interesting to me is a plan to revolutionize and, ideally, revitalize college soccer. This is something a number of coaches have spent months putting together and LeBlanc is hopeful the idea gets traction given the popularity of this World Cup.