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Super news

Matt Wells, the sports marketing maven inside WVU’s athletic department, is keeping busy. The fan experience committee had its two meetings and promises to keep in touch as it moves forward. It’s about that time when his people and Dana Holgorsen’s people go to work on the football team entrance. And the things that happen during a game are always a red-hot topic.

I know this because I always lob him suggestions because, you know, that’s my job? I guess? Actually, I don’t know why I do it, except he’s a good sport about it — and truth be told, I think his office does a very good job including and beyond game day sounds and clips. So it’s a fun back and forth that often includes texts from Matt when … that one song … comes on at a game.

Oh, that one song.

I think it’s been about 10 years now that I’ve been crusading against Cotton Eye Joe, or CEJ, as we’ve grown to derisively call it. He did go away for a little while, but then came back in force and with a purpose, like a Swedish techno Stannis Baratheon.

So I happened upon Matt the other day and asked what I tend to ask every year. Will we see That Guy in the fall?

“He’ll be there, but he won’t be an every-game staple,” he said.


Having said all of that, I’ve come around on the song. Well, not the song. It’s vile. But I’m one person. There are thousands or tens of thousands of other people at a game at the Coliseum or Mountaineer Field. I’m wildly outnumbered, and I know that.

“Every time we play it, I look around and we have people from every demographic in the crowd standing and clapping,” Wells said. “I do think the audience is for it and I do think we’ll continue to hear it. What we’ll try to do is find a balance because we don’t want to overdo it.

“Frankly, I think a few years back we did.”

I can live with that, and I feel like I was part of the change. We were all a part of the change, “we” being those of us who cringe when we hear the intro and make the passive-aggressive decision to not stomp or clap when CEJ oozes through the speakers.

But like I said, it’s a back and forth with Matt, and I fired off an idea after the spring game, the one where we saw Mario Alford is poised for a big season.

Yo, we need Super Mario Bros. music for Alford exploits this season.
April 12 7:49 PM

Great idea.
April 12, 7:40 PM

Honestly, I didn’t know if that was “Great idea … do I tell you how to cover the team?” or “Great idea … we’re on it.” And I didn’t pursue it at all because, well, the former seemed entirely possible.

But like I said, I had Matt cornered the other day and decided to ask. Whither Super Mario Bros. sound effects?

“That one,” he said, “is in.”


I suggested back in April two possibilities, both for the moments after Alford does something appreciable.

… or my preference …

Which is it? One? The other? Both? A darkhorse?

That’s a secret, but if you had doubts about the sincerity or the functionality of the fan experience committee, understand Matt’s at the head of the table.