The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

The champ is (going to be) here

Long ago, at a time before anything that follows was relevant, I remember Jim Clements, the Clemson University president formerly of WVU and of Towson, bragging to me about the Towson cheer team. They were good, I guess, and his point was that he had a heart and a mind for all the student-athletes on campus.

Truth be told, the Towson cheerers are good. That is not a secret in the community of intercollegiate cheer and dance. It’s a show for football and basketball games, and in 2013 they won a national championship for their commitment and performance.

Then the Tigers gained their greatest popularity when they were suspended for an entire athletic year for a hazing scandal, the details of which went public today. The ban expires soon, and they’ll be on the sideline for the WVU v. Towson NIGHT GAME in Morgantown in September, but be wary of the Tigresses. And behold them, too. No one beat Towson for the title, so I subscribe to the idea the crown remains upon the head.