The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Last week we asked if a pattern could be spotted or established with regard to the eight people Oliver Luck has hired to coach at WVU. You gave some responses there and I tried to fill in the blanks a little more at the end of the week.

In between, though, I remembered that my boss was working on the same question and, ideally, similar answers for a column. But different answers would be acceptable, too, for though they weren’t ours, they’d still add a little more light to the topic.

The big and ultimately critical difference? It wasn’t going to source me or us, but Luck himself. Well, it’s out and I think we were onto something. Luck said there’s a bit of an archetype, but one that’s born out of necessity.

“A lot of the Olympic sports, like volleyball or baseball, didn’t really have a whole lot of success over the years … there were very few highlights,” Luck said. “As I looked at those programs I knew there wasn’t much of a legacy to build on, so we need somebody who is going to be energetic, going to have to spend a lot of time and energy recruiting.

“West Virginia University is better served with a coach who has incredible energy and wants to put his or her fingerprints on a program,” he added.