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Bob Huggins rode a plane

Here’s a significant detail omitted from his 50-minute press conference Saturday: Bob Huggins flew to Raleigh, N.C., Friday to talk to Terry Henderson.

Did it change the outcome? No, it did not. Does it change the way you feel about things? Well, I can’t answer that, but personally, I find the literal length Huggins went to so that me might pull one out of the fire a little enlightening. It underscores the suggestion it was a surprise and that Huggins didn’t want it to happen, and it also shows how resolute Henderson was at the end.

Now, Huggins never disclosed his trip because though he went out of his way to keep Henderson, he also went out of his way to bite his tongue Saturday and resist what had to be strong urges to say something. 

Terry Henderson Sr. said things, though.

Henderson, who said he learned of his son’s decision from a phone call from Huggins, found that flight to be in line with Huggins’ character and the relationship the father knew his son to have with the coach. As for his son’s decision? That’s not in line with what the father has come to expect from his son.

“A lot of things don’t make sense,” Henderson said. “For Terry and the kind of kid he is, for him to turn away from something, something had to be wrong. I mean, really wrong. You could never imagine him being that kind of person or showing that kind of negativity.

“Now, a lot of the other kids leaving, you can say, ‘Yeah, OK.’ Aaric Murray, you saw tirades on the court and his displeasure with the program and say, ‘Yeah, OK.’ I’m not trying to single him out, but I’m just putting it out there, like how you can see things from some of those players. But with Terry, you didn’t see any of that. Maybe he opens up soon and starts talking.”