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This is unbelievable

Actually, it’s believable in the “it’s accurate” sense, but it’s nevertheless hard to believe. The best that I can tell you right now is he’s asked and nothing has been granted — and I think that’s because this is probably relatively new — and because both sides would like to work this out without a transfer. But, again, if Henderson wants out, Bob Huggins will release him. That’s Huggins’ practice, up to this point.

But seriously …

(Let’s keep this rolling)

I don’t believe Henderson is even on campus, so let’s keep that in mind here. Knowing what I do about transfers, a player generally meets with the coach to hash things out. But if this is truly a sudden thing, maybe Henderson or a family member or a prep or AAU coach — somebody — phoned it in recently. I don’t know, but I feel like that thing happens in person around here. That and some other things just don’t add up for me to say this is a done deal.

I really want to hold back on saying or thinking this is inevitable.