The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Please turn in your homework

Mission: Accomplished.

I know I said wanted to withhold the identity. I did because I don’t want this to be seen as a farce. To me, the proxy practice gives the committee a chance to hear from … I don’t know, how many people are on here who sincerely care about the game experience and would like to be on the committee? A whole lot, right? Certainly more than the 12 or so picked for the committee. So this is a chance to get the opinions of a lot of people from a lot of different parts of the country, many who can’t make the meetings for one reason or many reasons.

And while I think it’s a good idea, I don’t know what others think and I didn’t want the eventual pick from our audience to be treated any differently because someone is skeptical of our inside man’s intentions. So anonymity was the way to go.

Welp, that went away yesterday.

Jason got an email yesterday saying he wasn’t on the committee. We both panicked briefly, and I went to Twitter to essentially say my idea wasn’t going to come to fruition. I was bummed. Jason was bummed.

Then WVU got wind of things and thought it was odd someone would call Jason Wednesday to say “You’re in!” and then send an e-mail a day later to say “You’re not in.” Some people doubled back and found out there was a clerical error and Jason’s “You’re in!” phone call was valid and the “You’re out” e-mail was intended for another Jason.

Then this happened.

I’m telling you, that’s why this place needs a voice, and in some ways, I think that’s why it has one.

So, please, use the comments section here to give Jason some ideas to use for the upcoming meetings. The first is tomorrow. Act now. Tell your friends. Make this matter.

I’ll get it started …