The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Oh, that NCAA

My head is spinning. The Board of Directors did what we thought it would do today. It approved all the rules it adopted last week — unlimited meals and snacks and other initiatives aimed at assisting the general well-being of student-athletes — and also voted to go forward with the other highly important, if not less-publicized idea.

They’re calling is a “restructuring process” of the NCAA, which is that “autonomy and not independence” thing we’ve been talking about here lately. It just makes sense, and it’s not hard to see and understand why.

But I’m left with an odd feeling. The NCAA did what was right and did what we thought it would do. There was no surprise, even though that kind of feels like a surprise. It’s also more or less ceding some control and letting a select group of its membership steer the bow of the ship while also allowing a large part of the constituency to control the stern. I don’t know how this is going to work, apart from some major rocking.

And if you thought that wasn’t crazy enough, check out the third- and second-to-last paragraphs in the press release.

No more immediate eligibility for a transfer under hardship circumstances. That’s not a small thing, but it’s made to be an afterthought here.

Hi, Mom, we’re getting married. And we’re expecting. And we closed on a house. And I got the promotion. Aaaaaaand we’re moving to Brisbane for my job and our new home. 
