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Big sexy

Bob Huggins made the list of the top 100 sexiest men in college basketball.

There is no way you can have this list without the name “Huggins.” On the court he still brings a lot intensity, but off the court he isn’t quite as confrontational. His press conferences were very fun. As cool as they come in this profession.

The list of head and assistant coaches and media and analysts came out late last week and Huggins actually tweeted about it after his daughter told him he’d made the cut. Huggins was nevertheless informed Monday on the Big 12 teleconference that he was on the list.

“Is that a surprise to you?” he replied.

The answer was that the interrogator was not surprised and that he merely wanted to know what Huggins thought about making the list.

“To keep things in perspective,” Huggins said, “so did Seth Greenburg.”

Huggins said he was looking at the list when his daughter told him about it and that he stopped when he got to the former Virginia Tech coach. And since it was an alphabetical list, Huggins never got to his own profile.

So then, Bob, do you agree with your inclusion?
