The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Huggins said something, but what say you?

Lost in the loss Thursday night was this sneaky gem from Bob Huggins, and one that was somewhat unsolicited after he said this team doesn’t quit and he’s only ever had one team that quit on him. A few of us perked up and wanted to follow up on that, but another question came quickly and Huggins replied and then slipped in this:

“We didn’t quit,” Huggins said. “You know we would have laid it down last year. There would have been guys taking the worst shots in the world. Then somebody else would take one worse than that.”

So, true, this squad has pride and fight that wasn’t always present last season — though I saw that team make two ridiculous comebacks on the road against Texas and  Iowa State last season that, given what we know now, make no sense. But this team combines its desire with talent and, if you ask me, it’s because players who are here now weren’t ready, able or willing to assert themselves, even as they saw it happening before them. Those reservations are gone for those players who are back with the team, which is why the Statens, Hendersons and Harrises haven’t folded when given the opportunity to do so this season.

And don’t shoot the messenger, but it just seems to me there are going to be a few more nights like that this season.

WVU might win some of them — in fact, Huggins was adamant his team would win games when I asked if we might see more Thursdays in the future — but WVU is also going to lose some. I kind of think WVu might get blow out a few times too. That’s just the recipe for this team.

This is, for the time being and slightly beyond, a young team that’s still watching Henderson, Gary Browne and Remi Dibo get right with their health and their roles on the team. And the Mountaineers have to shoot well to play well and have to play well to win.

Would you agree that we’re wise to get used to deficits and rallies and uneven play against good teams?