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And WVU moves to 6-2 without its stars

Encouraging sign for WVU Monday with an easy win on a night when Juwan Staten wasn’t scoring and Eron Harris wasn’t making shots. Good thing Kevin Noreen showed up and made a play after falling down!

Harris was 4-for-13 and Staten 2-for-10 for WVU (6-2), but it was Noreen who got the offense untracked early.

“I have to because if I don’t, I’m not a threat, and you have to be a threat or else they won’t respect you and it’ll bottle up the offense like it did last year,” said Noreen, who missed matching his career high set last year against Virginia Tech by one point. “Teams sat guys in the lane and we couldn’t get much at the basket, so I have to.”

Noreen’s first shot was a 3 at the 17:24 mark and it came as the Greyhounds dropped off Noreen and protected the paint, not thinking Noreen would make his first 3 since Feb. 27.

“I came in two hours before the game and he and Eron Harris were out there shooting the ball,” Huggins said. “He had two managers and he was getting up a lot of shots. Ironically, he must have taken 50 shots from the exact same spot he took that shot from.”