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Meanwhile, in Cancun

West Virginia takes on 5-0 Old Dominion on the CBS Sports Network (I’ve got football appointments, so, sorry, no live blog post … unless you want an open post for your own designs) as part of a two-game business trip.

The Mountaineers are serious about taking this season seriously.

“That is very accurate,” Harris said. “I’m more serious than I am playful at this point, even though we’re not playing high-caliber teams. Right now, I’m going into every game like it’s a business affair. We want to be serious.”

That’s a different guy, by the way. I kind of feel like he wanted to be this way last season, but decided not to in deference to his age and his teammates. He won’t be fooled again.

Anyhow, all that stuff about hanging out over the summer and doing team things together, like bowling, was pretty genuine and seemingly beneficial. You can watch those guys play and appreciate how much they like one another and, consequently, how much last year’s team missed that camaraderie.

“They were going to make sure the new guys coming in were treated the way they needed to be treated, not the way they were treated,” Coach Bob Huggins said. “Not that they were treated badly, but there was a kind of indifference. Nobody put their arm around them and said, ‘Welcome to the family.’ They’ve gone out of their way to make sure that happens. I’m not knocking those other guys, but that’s (this team’s) personality and kind of what they think is important, and I think it is.”