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WVU v. TCU: #WhyAren’tTheseTeamsBetter?

I’ve been over this before, and as I recall we had an oddly divisive discussion about it, but everything TCU does is cool. The uniforms, the facilities across campus, the publications, the marketing, I could go on and on, but suffice to day I’m a fan.

I mean, that’s the damn billboard that greets you when you pull off the exit for TCU’s campus. You’re likely to crash your car, or your team bus, because you’re staring at the thing or because you’re frightened of frogs. It’s science.

And, hey, if WVU is trying to get used to the Big 12 by basically borrowing from and copying Big 12 programs, well, do I have a tip for you …



You’re welcome.

Now if I can be serious for just one moment, I don’t have to tell you how important the game is for this season. I don’t know how WVU makes a 12th consecutive bowl if WVU loses this game. I don’t think the Kansas State-TCU back-to-back is a favorable circumstance before playing Texas, which isn’t losing its momentum at Kansas this week.

Simply put, a bad team loses this game. These are two underachieving teams affected by the move to the Big 12, whether you want to admit it or not, and issues with depth, injuries and quarterback play. The game is winnable for both sides, but the team that doesn’t win it will be the team that can’t win it. I don’t know if that makes any sense, but when these teams are in this spot at this point of the season, one side is good enough for a day to win and one is not. The latter usually makes its case by doing the things that have led it to this point, while the former finds a way to play above its level and/or make the most of the other team’s misgivings.

And let’s also address Oliver Luck, while we’re here. He’s supposed to be in the stadium today and he’s supposed to head to Houston tomorrow for, I’ve heard, another Houston Dynamo game and then his son’s NFL game that night.

He’s been in the state since Thursday and certainly you know why that matters.

Everyone I’ve talked to the last two days and then again today say they believe it’s just a matter of time until he’s named the Texas A.D. That’s a bit of a change from earlier in the week, when it was a strong possibility, though one that might be undone by other candidates or by Oliver’s decision. I’m not hearing that from anyone anymore. I was talking to someone last night who told me Monday could be a busy day for me and that this will be over in the next few days. There is zero concern given to a potentially awkward situation of Texas introducing Luck a few days before Texas plays at WVU — and really, wouldn’t it be more awkward if no one was saying anything all of next week?

What does that have to do with this? Luck is Dana Holgorsen’s best and greatest ally at the university. Obviously. If Luck leaves and if WVU acts with some speed to hire a replacement, then there must be thought given to Holgorsen’s job status — and that might be independent of these final four games. A new A.D. knows he has to position his football program in a way to best benefit his athletic department. A.D.s have lists and if the name at the top of the list is linked to other jobs, the A.D. might choose to act fast and make a change to get his guy rather than lose his guy to another school.

You do remember how Dana arrived here, right?

Let’s blog.