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Friday Feedback

Welcome to the Friday Feedback, which wastes no time today. Let’s jump right in right now. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, do the right thing.

Parks said:

I just didn’t see a head coach with a game plan on Saturday night. If communication was a problem with Clint, then pull him and keep him out. Don’t keep making switches on 3rd down situations and you sure as hell don’t put the 3rd string guy in on a 4th and 2 at midfield and run a draw play. Baylor is as good as anyone in the country and I’d love to see them play Oregon in a bowl game, but we were totally inept out there. O’Toole is the real deal and I really do think our defense is better than what they played, but they still need to continue improving. I’m beginning to lose all hope for our offense. If Crest is as good as advertised, he’s got to be licking his chops and counting down until he can enroll in January.

We saw a game plan. It was “go deep, it worked last year,” which may have been a bit misguided when you heard Dana talk after the game and then again this week — he doesn’t have a quarterback or the receivers to make that plan work, and you know he didn’t suddenly discover that. There were not adjustments to speak of, though. To advocate for the Devil, though, WVU threw 14 deep passes against Oklahoma State and seemed to move the ball pretty well against a better defense. Baylor’s defense isn’t as good as OSU’s. As for Crest, nobody I’ve talked to has any clue what to expect from him. He’d also have to master that tricky communication thing, too. And when you consider he follows Paul Millard, Ford Childress and Chavas Rawlins as Holgorsen QB recruits … well, let’s wait a tick.

Spatial Angel said:

How much of this is lack of talent? How much is coaching?

O-line is very poor. QB play ditto.

Was shocked to see the success BU had running it up the gut.

HCDH in game management and decisions poor. Some very poor hiring decisions. Has not recruited a competent QB.

Not ready to pull the plug on HCDH, but not particularly optimistic.

ADOL’s first major hiring decision not looking too swift at the moment.

“There’s a 50-50 split for blame…” I think you can apply some of the issues the defense had last year with youth and inexperience, but also talent, to the offense this season and kindasorta cross your fingers for 2014. I can’t comfortably say it’s going to be a lot better this season. And if you’re going to give new players time, it’s probably wise to grant the same to coaches. The offensive line problem isn’t simply “Hey, we put guys in new spots just a few weeks ago,” I don’t think.There were problems to prompt those changes, right? There are a few concerns. I like Nick Kindler. I think he’s valuable and beyond serviceable. I think ends and outside linebackers like him, too, though. And I’m not necessarily sure it’s his fault he’s the starting left tackle. That should be Quinton Spain. Why Spain isn’t the left tackle is a bigger story than we’ve allowed it to be. We shouldn’t dismiss the change from what Bill Bedenbaugh was doing to what Ron Crook is doing. This is different. It’s not fair to say one is harder than the other, but this requires a different approach and Holgorsen said this week that his guys aren’t good enough at it just yet.

glibglub said:

I try to look at a football program in pretty much the same way I do international diplomacy. Knowing that it’s all completely beyond my control, I watch with interest, hoping that it all works out and that North Korea doesn’t have nukes.

This is not bad advice.

SheikYbuti said:

How many starters on our offense would start for Baylor? Sims? White? Spain, perhaps? Therein lies the rub. I am flummoxed as to why we haven’t lately been able to recruit sufficient numbers of quality football and basketball players. Maybe the stipend proposal will help to level the playing field.

I’ll go with zero. Sims isn’t better than Seastrunk and Martin. Baylor is flat-out loaded at receiver. Maybe I’m missing something with Spain, but I think he’s been just all right this season. Baylor’s guys were completely dominant Saturday and the other halves of games I’ve seen. And there are backups at Baylor who would start at WVU. That’s not an attempt at the dramatic. Briles has a lot of talent. A lot. 

Rugger said:

Gimmicky Mike Leach type offenses put up gaudy numbers at times but haven’t won any major championships yet though Baylor may change that.

While I think most offenses have aspects of the spread, the really strong programs have running games and stout defenses because those win championships.

Briles has brought aspects of smash mouth to the spread…..that has my attention but requires big men with bad intentions up front on both sides….we have exactly zero of those right now…maybe Dontrill.

The Bears are enormous. Enormous. They’re fast. They’re fit. They’re strong. But they are enormous. Every position. You have to see Seastrunk to really grasp this. He’s 5-10 and 215 pounds and I bet he’s a legit 4.4 guy. I caught myself staring at the Big 12 media day. He was wearing slacks and a golf shirt, but you could tell he was tucked into his clothes. Strength and conditioning, folks. But what’s really scary about Baylor is that we’ve never seen this before. We’ve seen Oregon and USC and other offensive juggernauts. We’ve seen spread offenses. We’ve even seen teams touch 70, though maybe not as easily or as frequently. We’ve never seen an irresistible spread offense in Texas. Texas high school football is all spread offense. If Briles stays and gets more and more of that elite Texas high school talent into that program with that offense and that strength and conditioning system, uh-oh.  

Mack said:

And, among all of the things we have to get used to, we may need to get used to the fact that WVU is almost always going to play poorly on the road in the Big 12 (in football and basketball). The distance is great and the home team’s fans bring it. I think those are pretty big obstacles for any team in college football. Notice how the SEC rarely plays road nonconference games that are outside of the south?

Huge difference from the Big East. WVU fans could take over road basketball gyms and make a difference in football stadiums. That’s not anywhere near the case now. That matters.

Down South said:

My glasses are always tinted with a blue and gold hue (I was once compared to rekterx, although I could never pull that off), but there is only one game I look at on the rest of the schedule that I don’t think we will win. That’s TCU. Don’t see us going there and beating a coach as good as Patterson. My opinion may change, but I think we will see improvement in the second half, which will serve as a springboard for next season. But I love the fact that we are all lamenting the fact that, right now, we are exactly where we all expected we would be at this point in the season. Being a Mountaineer fan requires just the right mix of hope and tragedy.

So I’m trying to figure out where I’ll be for a bowl, or if it’s something I don’t have to worry about this season. I can actually see seven wins because I don’t think the rest of the schedule is that difficult, but not without beating Texas Tech next weekend. Win that and the team can probably shrug its shoulder and go, “Friggin’ Baylor, man.” There’s something therapeutic about that after an open week. I can’t see seven without that. Not at all. Six is certainly doable, and that probably means the Heart of Dallas Bowl. Yes, bowl projections on Oct. 11.

The 25314 said:

I’m not sure if Casazza censors these texts or what, but I had some killer Branch Davidian/Janet Reno whimsies that were not published.

That was my call. You weren’t alone, though. Waco is still sensitive about that. It was the least I could do.

I love you, Doug! said:


I’m sorry to tell you: North Korea has nukes. They’re on the other side of the border that’s 35 miles north of where I’m typing this.

If there’s any good news, their missile delivery systems have proven about as accurate as Cody Trickett’s flipper.

Listen, I can exaggerate and I can dabble in hyperbole. But where else are you getting dispatches from South Korea?

glibglub said:

So North Korea has nukes, but an unreliable delivery system. Boy, the analogy with the football program works on more levels than I thought.

I see.

Mack said:

We also have a short coach with bad hair.

I saw.

avb31 said:

If Luck stays on as AD, one would have to think that Holgorsen will get at least two more years to get things turned around. However, if Luck leaves for Texas or anywhere else, then Dana might find himself in the same situation Bill Stewart was in three years ago. This program is getting blown out at an alarming rate and there is absolutely no excuse for it.

Fear not. Nobody is taking that AD job without giving or getting a transparent vision for football. That’s going to be agreed upon before anyone is hired … and that’s if we ever get there. It’s not like Luck didn’t lay that out for Jim Clements, or have Clements lay it out for him, before Luck took the job. 

Rob W. said:

Mike, can I use the blog to conduct some self-therapy for myself? I have been trying to figure out in my own mind how I feel about Dana as head coach and now I have to compound that by trying to figure out how I feel about Saturday’s game and this season in general.

With regard to Dana, I have continually said that I have no idea if he is who I want as head coach or not. Truth is, I still don’t know. But I do know that as I start to add up the checkmarks in the LIKE column and the ones in the DON’T LIKE column, I have more that I know that I don’t like about him compared to what I like. But even with that said, I am not to the point of feeling like he needs to be jettisoned.

I really enjoy the opinions of the folks who frequent this blog. It is so much better than the message board garbage, and as an out of state alum I like having the connection to other fans. So with that being said, I would like to pose a question because I’m curious about the prevailing sentiments.

What was your expectation of this team before the season? For me I expected 5-7 wins. I also expected to see continual improvement on the defensive side of the ball. I really didn’t know what to expect offensively because I just wasn’t sure what we had.

This team is now 3-3. That is where I thought they would be after six games. In my opinion, the 6-6 record is within reach and I don’t think the 7-5 record is completely pie in the sky. I know that we can’t safely assume ANY victory for this team, but I still think that they defeat Kansas and Iowa State. That means that they have to get one out of the remaining four and I think that will happen, if for no other reason that I still can’t believe that they will lose five in a row.

However, if my worst fears about Dana are true and he is not head coaching material and he does in fact lose this team, 4-8 is not out of the question either. But I really don’t feel that is going to happen. I hope I’m wrong….

At the moment, I will still commit to saying that I like the direction of this team defensively. At the moment, I’m telling myself that Baylor is really, REALLY good and we got steamrolled by an outstanding team. Granted, the Baylor game goes beyond bad and for the first time in my life I considered turning the game off. But I still am trusting that it is the exception rather than the rule. But thru the first five games I think that the general feeling was that this team was improved defensively. I just don’t think that they are going to come up against another team like Baylor this season, so hopefully the overall defensive improvement is still on track.

Offensively, I believed that this team was going to struggle at times. I have to admit that I didn’t expect it to struggle quite as badly as it has, however. The Maryland game was as bad as I’ve ever seen offensively. The Baylor game was equally as bad. My sense is that this team is continually getting beat up front and we don’t have the quarterback at this time that can overcome that.

In my opinion, if the offensive line play was solid and they could establish any semblance of a consistent running game, it would allow the quarterbacks to be protected and grow a bit. As it is, we have a subpar offensive line and either (in the best case) inexperienced quarterbacks or (in the worst case) subpar quarterbacks. As it is, I don’t think that the quarterbacks are able to take pressure off of the running game and the running game isn’t able to take pressure off of the quarterbacks.

As for Dana, I personally do not like the pouty, screaming persona that he portrays on the sideline. Something about it just doesn’t sit right with me. I didn’t like pulling Trickett out in the middle of a series because he didn’t like the communication. To me, you resolve that during the week. If it is SO BAD that Dana had to pull him TWICE on third down because he didn’t like the communication, then Trickett can’t be the quarterback at this point in time.

The play calling drove me nuts in the Baylor game. Deep post after deep post… Sheesh… But I don’t quite enough football to know why that was happening. Maybe it was the read. Maybe that was what the defense was in fact giving. Maybe it was in fact the right thing to do. But the simplest way for me to put it is it just looked and felt weird.

The one thing that I did like, even if Dana says that it doesn’t matter to him, is that I had the sense that they never quit playing. To me, that is encouraging. I guess my final comment on Dana at this time is that if he TRULY feels that that is irrelevant, then it pushes me further towards thinking that he probably is not head coaching material.

At the end of the day, my head tells me that, while the game of college football has REALLY changed, this is who WVU is and historically always has been. Sometimes I think that our opinion of this program is skewed as a result of spending 10 years chewing up the worst “major” conference in college football. We are now in the land of the Big 12 so maybe we are back to 9 wins being a really, really special season. I don’t know…. I just know that somewhere deep inside I’ve had a sense that we were a paper tiger the last few years. But even then, 56 in the first half?… That is tough to swallow no matter what. It made 1986 Miami, FL look like a win.

At this moment, if I had to say what my expectation is I would say that it is six wins and a bowl game. Then next year, move towards 7-8 wins and don’t have any games where we just simply get embarrassed beyond what the folks at EA Sports could even come up with. I think I could live with that. If we don’t get to six wins, then I personally put Dana on a hot seat for 2014.

Gang, thanks for putting up with this post. If anyone actually takes the time to read my irrelevant ramblings, I look forward to the thoughts that you guys have.

Feel better? It made me feel good. Glad you can make use of this space. I’ll just repeat now what I said at the start of the season. It was my belief back then that it was going to be really hard for this team to be really good. I don’t predict wins and losses because there are too many variables to consider in August that can change in September, October and November, but I thought bowl eligibility would be a concern in November. I thought the defense would be better because of maturation and because of better coaching and schemes. I thought the offense could gradually improve, but I never saw three quarterbacks in six games. Honestly, this is close to what I expected. The defense is better. The offense is not getting better, but I think the quarterback situation, with some problems avoidable and others not, has really hindered things. I can’t excuse two embarrassing defeats. That’s eight losses by at least three touchdowns for a 20-12 coach. And I’ve said this before, but what puzzles me is how game plans aren’t working. I’m not going to tell you you can’t feel a certain way about the coach. I think cameras and television are too intrusive and can make a coach look bad in a given moment, but I can’t tell you not to be embarrassed by it. I won’t tell you not to form your own opinion about him and to hold him to certain standards and expectations, especially when fans are held to standards of their own.   

Patchy said:

@Rob W – I read your original post and found it refreshingly candid and even. I know that message boards elsewhere are an appalling pro forma crabs-in-a-bucket exercise where premises (99% of them flawed) are posted and a WWI style pro/con stalemate begins. Occasionally some of that creeps in here but not usually.

It is perfectly understandable to have developed a Hamlet complex about this program, this coach and this team. One thing I think most are in at least partial denial about is that we have sold out our identity. I continue to marvel at the latitude given to Oliver Luck due to his Prodigal Son status but his actions to date give absolutely zero indication, cheesy video vignettes notwithstanding, that he believes WVU has a special identity or that state or university ties have any importance. Based on his actions to date, the school, the sport, the team are mere details. It could just as easily be Arena Football or MSL: the cynical view never changes from Luck’s seat. The fan is a walking ATM to be emptied at every opportunity. The fan is a violent, drunken, profane idiot lectured to about what a violent, drunken, profane idiot he is before, during and after every game via Big Brother scoreboard clips (and isn’t the WVU police chief a piece of work? Gotdayum! Coeds may wish to think twice about that long walk across campus at night with him in charge). The fan is someone who, after supporting a program for decades through season ticket purchases and more of those ‘donations,’ is informed that he has been selfishly hoarding seats because tickets occasionally go unused on a Wednesday night during a snowstorm against Podunk State and It Looks Bad On TV.

The fan, who has written a check for four or five figures via legalized bribery to obtain football tickets, has a Bachhanalian feast mere yards beyond the stadium gates but in exchange for his generous ‘donation’ he is locked behind those gates and enjoined from enjoying that feast after kickoff because Luck believes all of you who enjoy a Newcastle Brown Ale, a Bacardi, a Crown Royal or other refined bevvie should, at halftime, instead numb your backsides in the stands and suck on a warm plastic bottle of Miller Lite at $8 a throw while watching The Pride waddle their way through yet another medley of The Who’s greatest hits (aside: why do marching bands, made up of brass and woodwind concert instruments capable of playing intricate orchestrations as found in Sousa marches or classical pieces, frequently opt for simplistic three-chord rock oldies?). Fans voting with their feet? It Looks Bad On TV. Again.

During a winning season we tend to focus more on the players; during a losing season we tend to focus on the coach. Unfortunately, in either case we haven’t focused much on the individual most responsible for the current state of affairs. The coach-in-waiting fiasco still hasn’t received its full quota of mockery. The Casino Incident got all the headlines but…seven-eighths of an iceberg and all that.

Baylor cruising to an NBA score before calling off the dogs? Holgorsen effing and blinding after every series, nay, every play? A so-called power conference member that looks like a skinny-legged, narrow-shouldered FCS team? It Most Definitely Looks Bad On TV. Will our TV-obsessive athletic director be held to account for it? And when?

Bam. This was wonderful and now I can’t wait for the slowly waved finger of disapproval if like 47,000 people show up for 4-7 WVU against 3-8 Iowa State, which should then be followed by your two cents. I nodded my head to a lot of this, but I’ll say this: I’ve come to think the fact Luck is an alum is merely a sidebar he can occasionally flaunt to his advantage. He’s an operator and a generator who was brought in to operate and generate. That was a Jim Clements call more than an Oliver Luck call — coach-in-waiting excluded; that was a case study in why not to do it, though I maintain Luck never envisioned that outcome in a worst-case scenario. Anyhow, you could put me in that job and I would have been tasked to do many of the same things. Luck may have his own personal touches and tactics, some delicate, some heavy-handed, but I think that was just a part of him doing his job to execute the orders he was given. Clements wanted to capitalize. That Luck played here is a leverage point Clements knew could be used from time to time. 

smeer said:

interspersed in all the threads are most if not all the reasons this team is faltering. we can’t pull out a full ‘scientific method” experiment to zero in on THE factor or factors that are causing us this angst . . . and so we’re all on here having fun in discourse

and yes – i am truly thankful for this place that lets me connect with fellow maize and bluers show love their ‘eers and also can string a couple of sentences together.

I’m of the opine it’s “all of the above” – but the question is to what percentage and that’s where I throw something out and then listen to others. Spatial helped me refine my thoughts mentioning Rawlins . . .

It’s the AD – he wasn’t born in this state and has brought in a lot of outsider coaches, money grabbing, non-traditional, moved us to a far-away big boy conference, IMG and coach in waiting and . . .

It’s the head coach – his hair, his height, the number of head sets he’s smashed, black polos, the peter principle – rising to his personal level of incompetence (great OC you know but . . .), its his inability to hire the right coaches or settle on a QB even after he promised (yes he did), his recruiting or lack there-of, his system

it’s the assistant hires – last year’s D was a joke. the Daron Roberts experiment, guys who didn’t want to be here like Gillespie at Tennessee (home to the ugliest uniform in all of college football), eFore$ – responsible for lost to OU and that points back to DH who points back to Ollie (where does the buck stop?)

it’s the competition – Mack nailed that – we do have a history before and after THE PAT WHITE ERA of getting smacked around. this ain’t the Big LEast anymore fellows as much as – when were in it, we kept arguing to the world that we belonged in the big boy conversation

and dang those Os in the B12 . . .

it’s the travel – Ollie, how could you?

it’s the officials – they call the game different out west

it’s Stew and the empty cupboard – we’ve beat that dead horse (the idea not the person) enough

it’s the players – especially the QBs but Darwin Cook devolved (get it?) last Saturday

it’s Pat White meddling in the locker room (or Geoff Coyle?)

it’s that lost Mountaineer smell – you know – the smell of buckskin and gun powder and coal dust and fall leaves and run-away beer trucks . . . we don’t have “it” anymore. Not enough kids on the team whose daddies work in the coal mines to instill TEAM on the rest of the team . . .

it’s Baylor getting angry that Dan Kimble shot a bear – with the aid of dogs (unsportsmanlike conduct) and had the audacity to bring that long-rifle to Waco (where other guns had been used rather ingloriously).

well, you get the point. have at it arguing the percentages – cause it ain’t plain and simply one thing.

and now we have two weeks to keep the debate rolling

(can we talk about the quarterbacks?)

All of the above. Not a lot of me here today. Speaking of me, last night’s Scoop & Score with Walt Anderson and Brett McMurphy is available now.

pknocker40 said:

Can you do a Good and the Bad from the State Fair instead?

I could. It’s all good, really. I spent a few hours just walking around, sipping some Nestea(s) and watching people, rides, dog shows, pig races and trick birds. And I ate. I’d never done it before. It was fantastic. Fried beer and lemonade. Fried butter and Snickers. On and on. It was not healthy. I’m going to take a shot at making the Texas Fried Fireballs. Those were amazing. Bad: Foot traffic. Narrow corridors. It was brutal. Lots of rascals.

hoot said:

how about an over/under on how many pounds Mike gained at said Texas State Fair?

I’m svelte, yo.

Rick said:

I’d like to see Huggs and Verne Lundquist in some sort of eating contest.

I have no idea why I liked this so much, or why it was even a comment, but I did find a place for it.

rekterx said:

I would have loved for Mike, or someone, to have asked a couple of questions that never get asked. But that’s life in these here parts.

It’s strikes me that Old Yeller is already setting up the fans for a guilt trip over lower attendance.

I’ll bite, and probably because I’m not yet in basketball mode, but what questions did we omit?

overtheSEC said:

Typically, I can handle rebuilding years and “wait until next year but does this mean 2013-14 becomes like 2011-12 when we hear “wait until next year! The two best players for WVU (meaning Staten and Murray at the time) aren’t even playing this year!”
Knowing how 2012-13 turned out, I’m not sure I can so optimistically handle the optimism for 2014-15 should this year not show marked improvement

I don’t think you’d be alone. Far from it, in fact. Has to get better. Maybe even markedly better. But above all else, there can’t be the same flaws on and off the floor from the past two seasons. A lot of defenses have run their course.

Parks said:

Since we’re all rational here, can anyone honestly say they’d fault ADOL for leaving for TEXAS? I couldn’t. He’d have unlimited resources at his disposal and the largest athletic budget in the country. He’d be back in an area he’s spent so much time in and knows well. I would thank him for what he’s done and go find the next successful person to run our athletic department, but I’d harbor no ill will towards him.

That’s a smart perspective, I think. I also wonder about this idea that’s being spread that Luck has a lot of things left to do here. I don’t see them. And I don’t think they’re things he can’t or won’t facilitate for a successor, nor do I think he wouldn’t help, in some regard, find that successor.

AnxiousEER97 said:

I appreciate what Luck has done, but I view his work as incomplete. He has a couple of notable “projects” or “initiatives” that remain works-in-progress – most notably, the football program. So, I don’t know if that should be characterized as fault – but I would be disappointed and frustrated with his departure at this time. I’m not convinced Holgorsen will succeed here, but I think his opportunity to succeed is directely tied to Luck and without Luck, things will get worse before they get better.

… good counterpoint. That was his call and it was a bold decision. But I can’t see a scenario where he gets an offer from Texas and says, “Nah, I’ve got to help Dana see this thing through.”

Rugger said:

If Ollie leaves now his legacy here won’t be great, it may not even be good. If he stays, he has a lot of work to do.

The law suit resulting from Luck’s errors is sharing information with inappropriate parties is still pending
Fball program is mediocre and non-competitive in 50% of Big 12 games
bball program is below average and totally out of our league in the
Big 12 last year
Baseball had a good year, can they build on it and fill up a new stadium? The program certainly is not stabilized.
Men’s soccer team is in the MAC or something
Ticket sales down for football, bball should be a disaster this season
A lot of pissed off long-time season ticket holders for basketball who were treated rudely via re-seating
It’s starting to look like we would have been better off waiting for an ACC offer, particularly if UT and OU leave.
I guess Luck does have successful beer sales to fall back on and he did convince us hillbillies to be nice to visitors.

As for the Big 12 money, I don’t see any of it directly and I haven’t noticed it indirectly yet but all that money won’t matter to the average fan if we continue to be non-competitive in the Big 12 in our 2 major sports.

It’s ok to leave for a better opportunity providing that things are in order to some degree at the place you’re leaving.

Right now I give Luck a D grade, probably the first D he has ever received.

OK, you’ve got me. I totally missed the forest from the trees. The lawsuit is a big deal. The baseball stadium is a big deal. Obviously football is the fundraiser for his athletic department. He has, at best, a sizable segment of jaded fans. You guys are right. There’s a lot left to do here. I still contend that a replacement could be brought up to speed, especially if the hire happened in November and the official torch passing happened June 30. Larger point: You opened my eyes here. I think there’s a possibility he wants to make the bed and fold the laundry before he leaves.

Shoot4Show said:

Let’s say Ollie leaves.  Who is the next AD?  I ask because there are some eager to see this happen, and I’m of the mind that you shouldn’t be eager to see a coach or AD leave unless you think you’ve got someone better in your sights.  Who would do better than ADOL?

There are names, I’m sure, that Jim Clements has been adding to a list. Remember, in May 2012 he dodged the Stanford bullet, but said he knew Texas would be open and that Luck’s name would be mentioned. Clements, if nothing else, has hired a lot of people and gotten the person he wanted, I’m told, every time. I have to think he’s thought about this possible scenario for some time and is ready to go if compelled. 

rekterx said:

Rob Mullens is the AD at Oregon. He’s a WVU grad.

And he’s from Morgantown, but he’s at Oregon and he has a buyout. I mention that because Luck doesn’t and that still seems like a bad idea to me. Say Luck leaves and you can have Mullens if you can pay his buyout. Wouldn’t it be nice to have Texas/Luck paying Mullens’ buyout?

oklahoma mountaineer said:

I’d like to think we are going to be better, but it’s like the football’s offense. A lot of new pieces meshing with the few that remain makes for another long year in this league. Realistic goal would be to get to 9-9 in league play — in a much lesser league that what we played in 2 years ago…… a Final Four run that is not a distant memory.

Huggs won’t be making a record prediction this year — this I’m fairly sure of.

On a side note, does Huggs get consideration for a move into the AD seat in the event that Ollie takes his toys and moves back to Texas???

I think Huggins still has that drive for coaching, but, and maybe this is just me, I can’t see him taking that job even if the timing worked out in an ideal manner. I think when he’s done coaching, he’s done working, apart from some fundraising to help his school and his charities.

Fake Bob Huggins said:

The things I’d RATHER be than AD:
– Nancy’s Zimpher’s lover
– John Higgins’s man servant
– Billy Hahn’s assistant coach
– Rick Pitino’s anything
– Allergic to alcohol
– Vegan

Enjoy the weekend!