The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Open week reorganization

Dana Holgorsen has his regularly scheduled press conference this afternoon and that’s followed by interviews across town with Bob Huggins and his players. I’ll drop Holgorsen’s press conference here sometime this afternoon.

I haven’t re-watched WVU v. Baylor because I took an extra day in Texas and ate a ton of fried food at the State Fair of Texas. (Texas Fried Fireball and Golden Fried Millionaire Pie … whoa, boy.) That said, I still plan on doing The Good and the Bad, but I never planned to have it ready today, and I think I told you that in the chat. No Wednesday Walkthrough and no chat this week because there’s no game, but we’ll do just fine without them.

So I’ve taken a lot off your plate this week, but I still want to give you a chance to feast. Can I do an entire WVU hour Thursday night on “Scoop & Score?” I say yes, but I’ll need your questions and your phone calls. That’s part of a special show that’ll have some news about future programming, as well. But seriously, load up your questions and talking points. You can submit them here, via email at scoopandscoreshow[at]gmail[dot]com or on Twitter at @pickupasixpack.

Meantime, how bad is WVU’s running game? So bad it’s making WVU pass the ball, which WVU never really wanted to do in the first place.