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WVU v. Baylor: Beneath whose wings, Bolerjack?

You are looking live at the Baylor band practicing inside Floyd Casey Stadium. I was perched atop the damn roof and let me tell you how windy it is today. Those kids weren’t even blowing into their mouthpieces. They were just holding their instruments in the air. I’m serious.

The band spelled out Baylor as well in its prep so I sat around a while after this waiting for “Virginia.”

I’m concerned about their depth, Craig. I don’t know if they have the numbers to pull it off this week

Turns out the folks in red and black are from West High School and that Baylor is doing something with the kids this week. And that’s neat, of course. And I’m odd.

But, yes, it’s windy, so prepare to hear about the wind and how the wind affects passes and kicks and punts and all the coaching decisions that are attached to each and the wind must be considered. My kingdom to see Dana Holgorsen use his timeouts in the first quarter to make Baylor punt into the wind.

I think this wind is an element, though, because both ends of the stadium are, as you can tell, open. There aren’t bleachers shielding the length of the field from this breeze. So let’s track it, I guess.

More about this stadium. Cool murals on the outside. I’m a big fan of stadium murals.



I’m a big fan of the live post, too. Shall we prance?