The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Wednesday Walkthrough: Week Two

Before you go …

* By far the most unusual motivation to return to school that I’ve heard, but Trey Millard is a chess piece.

* Bad news for former walk-on Dozie Ezemma and WVU’s defense and special teams. That’s a career-ender for the fifth-year senior. If you’re not familiar with Ezemma, well, for one, everyone likes him, but it’s his background that makes everyone so bummed out about this. (And this is fact: People are bummed out.)

* Beware the unfriendly confines of Memorial Stadium.

* Berry Tramel recalls the Oklahoma v. WVU game from 1982.

* “But the transformation of the modern AD into a kind of CEO (complete with hefty bonuses) or brand manager perfectly mirrors the monetize-everything trajectory of college sports, as well as the ways in which a school like West Virginia can begin to think far beyond its seeming limitations.” So says a fun, lengthy and detailed feature on Oliver Luck.

* Back on the radio tomorrow night. My guests are David Ubben and Chris Huston, better known as the Heisman Pundit. And I’ll take your calls to talk about whatever you choose. Ideally, it will be about college football.