The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Now we can talk about this

We have a radio show. It’s called “Scoop and Score.” It debuts at 8 p.m. Aug. 29 on It will be about college football nationally with a focus on the Big 12. It’s going to be good because I know lots of people who will help make it good, including you.

I’m still with the Daily Mail and I’ll still be here, but I might here less frequently. I’d already planned to scale things back with the blog, and your constructive suggestions shaped the way this is going to look once the season starts, but this radio show is also something I’m doing on Thursday nights. I’m always done with the week by Thursday night, so I’m not going to be mailing anything in, either.

Lastly, you can listen live, but they always turn around a podcast pretty quickly. You know I need you, yes? The time and the environment are right for SMC to take off and go far.

Any questions?