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Media days, part two: WVU and some other guys


We are live at the second and final day of the annual football media days with the second and final rotation of the head coach and select players from the remaining five schools.

True, true, the aforementioned “other guys” are, as far as the Big 12 is typically concerned, the guys in that they are Texas and Oklahoma, or Oklahoma and Texas. Throw in Baylor with its Heisman Trophy predictin’ running back and throw ’em where they ain’t coach and the Mountaineers should know their role today.

Fortunately, they’re not alone in their oh-by-the-way presence because they’re joined by Villano V. Iowa State doesn’t have much buzz or recognition here today, but, oh, how that could have been different.

The Cyclones had but one player on the preseason all-conference team released last week, but punter Kirby Van Der Kamp, is not one of the team’s player representatives. Then again, WVU, with no players on the preseason team, opted not to bring Biletnikoff Award watch list honoree Jordan Thompson.

The conversation we could have had with those two!

Anyhow, enough about what this is not. There is star power today and, not coincidentally, Oklahoma, Texas — or Texas and Oklahoma — and Baylor have their tables spanning the length of walls on opposite sides of the room, which gives them the most width and depth possible for the audience.

WVU and Iowa State are back-to-back at the front of the room between the front wall and the back of the camera stage that aims at teh press conference stage. Cozy!


And there you have 240 words breaking down the layout of the interview room and why it matters. Send this to IMG!

Let’s go blogging …