The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Take this as far as you want to

That’s the list of players signed to the 2013 recruiting class who are not yet on campus. (I needed two tweets because I omitted 492-pound Darrien Howard the first time. I was trying to put the list in alphabetical order and just forgot to put him back in before Hyman.)

And that assessment is from Ryan Dorchester, the team’s coordinator of recruiting operations. He said it was “fair” to expect all five to be on hand Aug. 1, when preseason camp begins. If that happens — if — then WVU will have done something really rare and hard to believe: All 26 players in the recruiting class, including Chavas Rawlins, will have enrolled.

True, Rawlins left, but a 100-percent enrollment rate never, ever happens … so hold your breath these last two weeks.