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WV Radio Corp. sues WVU, “Insider Defendants”

What we suspected a while ago when Team Raese lawyered up, a lawsuit was filed Wednesday that says, among so many things, that WVU has been “corrupted by a cadre of self-interested, self-dealing individuals who view West Virginia University and its Foundation not as a vehicle for higher education and the betterment of West Virginia and its citizens, but instead as an opportunity for personal profit.”

That’s a whale of a starting point, and that was literally the starting point, but it goes on. And on. It’s 204 pages long. The suit aims at WVU’s Foundation and Board of Governors, Bray Cary and his West Virginia Media, Oliver Luck, Drew Payne, Dave Alvarez, Richard and Ralph Ballard and Jim Clements.

The university president is treated harshly because, the suit alleges, he “has allowed this to happen, failing to discharge his fiduciary obligations as President, failing to exercise reasonable diligence and control over Defender Luck and other Insider Defendants’ actions, and exposing WVU and its Foundation to unnecessary expense, embarrassment and ridicule.”

So Team Raese states it is an “aggrieved bidder of WVU’s third-tier media rights” and seeks to recover damages and to “enjoin the Insider Defendants from further using their influence to the detriment of WVU, the Foundation, and the citizens of West Virginia.” The overall goal is to “vindicate the rights of West Virginia and its citizens who have been injured by the Insider Defendants’ unlawful actions.”

It all sounds so noble, especially as the suit alleges shady dealings with West Virginia Media and the football and basketball scoreboards, and Team Raese merely asks for money to cover attorney’s fees. Anything beyond that will go to WVU Children’s Hospital.

Sincere question: Do you care?

I do, because it’s my job, but also because it’s become my job on this beat. I’ve covered more lawsuits than Doug Llewelyn, but I’ve also grown to kind of dig them over time, too. It’s fun, on some level, to read them and discover things suits disclose, so on and so forth.

Yet I also realize this continuous conflict between West Virginia Radio and WVU is tiresome and to many of you irrelevant. For you, there’s a more brief version of events, friendlier to the disinterested, that sums things up nicely without getting too deep in the details. For that crowd, I recommend this.

If you’re on the other side of the line and you’ve read or caught wind of the lawsuit and you’re concerned about the allegations, the requests, the consequences, then I’ll bite. Because there are things that make you wonder (“West Virginia Media itself was materially assisted in its infancy by an improper transaction between the Insider Defendants and the Foundation,” which is, well, it’s interesting.) and make you worry (there is no existing radio/football contract between West Virginia Radio Corp. and WVU, so what would the injunction that Team Raese seeks do to radio broadcasts for the 2013 season?)

I’ll be hanging around, spinning hits and taking requests for a while before a post this afternoon. The choice is yours.