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Here’s something that makes no sense

No Friday Feedback today, but I have some things that yearn for your feedback. First up is this one absurd piece of NCAA legislation.

Shocking, I know.

But a measure known as RWG-11-3-B has been widely panned as ridiculous and unnecessary because it bans live scouting, something that already is banned in some sports, but not all, yet still doesn’t really exist in a common form because of technology and the distance between schools.

There are exceptions. Bear with me.

So ridiculous and unnecessary is RWG 11-3-B that a previous idea known as RWG-11-3-A stated that a subsequent piece of legislation banning live scouting wouldn’t be needed. 

Still, in January more than two dozen ideas were adopted for the NCAA, including RWG-13-3, known as the unlimited texting rule. To suspend one of these rules requires 75 votes. The texting rule was suspended when 83 votes appeared.

Well, 94 voted to suspend the live scouting ban. And the NCAA is ignoring it, which has led seven college sports and five college coaches’ associations to protest it. The National Soccer Coaches’ Association of America is asking all Division I schools to vote next week to override the NCAA.

This might seem like small potatoes — I did, after all, just say live scouting doesn’t really exist — but it does have repercussions. Just ask Marlon LeBlanc, who use to rely on live scouting out of necessity and may now have a real nuisance to deal with in the Mid-American Conference.

“The rule’s being put in for football and basketball, but the thing is nobody outside of football and basketball has a national server where you can get every single game everywhere and the quality of the film isn’t different from institution to institution,” said West Virginia men’s soccer Coach Marlon LeBlanc, whose world will be flipped upside down unless RWG-11-3-B is spiked next week.

“You can go into an arena and get great film at Texas Tech, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, but we’re not going to get that from Northern Illinois. It doesn’t exist.”