The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

EA Sports wins

As a party to a stimulating lawsuit levied by former UCLA basketball star Ed O’Bannon, EA Sports has been accused of being a little bit too realistic. A little bit too in the game, so to speak. It’s a long story, I promise, but it might flip a few things upside down when a judge rules later this month.

Perhaps as a consequence, it seems the NCAA Football folks, friends of the blog and of WVU, are maybe a little too loose with reality. Offense, defense and overall ratings for NCAA Football 14 found their way onto the worldwide web yesterday. WVU is an 84 overall with an 83 for offense and — are you seated? — an 87 for defense.

Teams with better offenses? Boston College! Ball State! UConn! Freaking Kansas! Purdue! Rutgers! Toledo! And guess who has an 83? Syracuse! Only slightly less entertaining, look at teams WVU has a better defense than: Mississippi State, Nebraska, Penn State, TCU, to name a few.