The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

And we’re off. I’ll be back a week from Tuesday. I’m not leaving the country or the even the time zone for this foray, so I’ll be able to check in and share some shenanigans. Slow time of the year around here, so thanks for hanging on, especially as I was working on some other things on the side here. Business ought to pick up again soon.

Speaking of business …

Mackstrodamus! He gets the prize, as promised. Congrats to the top 25. We had 50 people enter, so consider that a snapshot of the upper echelon.

That’s about it, folks. I’m confident you can keep the news and the laughs rolling in the comment section in my stead. Remember, life’s hard. If you make it harder, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.