The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Speaking of background …

Jonathan Holton was in court today. He pleaded no contest to one felony charge of video voyeurism and had a second count dismissed. Previously, a separate charge for possession of stolen property was dropped.

If you’re not familiar with Mr. Holton, he is a talented forward who has a questionable episode in his past that lacked finality before today. He’d been rehabilitating his image for quite some  time, though.

Ed Morrone, the clerk at the superior court in Washington County, said the no contest agreement includes two years of unsupervised probation and allows no contact with the women involved in the case.

I was told when Holton committed that he’d been informed by WVU the school would honor its offer — and later grant-in-aid — if Holton were able to resolve his legal issues. I’m not sure where that stands right now.  This could be a proper resolution or there could be a problem with enrolling someone who pleaded no contest to a felony … I don’t know. I’m efforting.

I will tell you what I told you previously:

(Aside: This is probably a terrible thing for me to do to you because I can’t give you much more than what I’m about to give you, but I read all the comments from the post earlier and I think what follows has a place. I’ve had two people who, I have to think, don’t know one another give me a version of events recounting the original incident and their summaries are just about identical. The story is out of this world and, if true, would likely lighten some opinions. If true. But don’t get me wrong: It doesn’t forgive everything.)